Sunday, 9 August 2009

How to quit smoking – 9 tips to quit smoking

Now, if you are the person that realize that smoking has no benefit for your life and you are going to start quit smoking but you do not know where and how to start quit smoking, please follow these 9 steps of how to quit smoking, you will quit it forever. Sometimes people think that those steps are bored. However, it is very important steps for you that can help you to quit smoking from the route causes.

1. List all reason why you are smoking.

It is very important to know yourselves before start quit smoking. You have to know ever reason why you are still smoking, and that will help you to overcome smoking by finding other ways and leave smoking behind.

2. List why quit smoking is hard for you
Many people try to quit smoking before but they failed. If you are one of those please, therefore, list reasons why quit smoking is difficult for you.

3. List all reason why you are thinking to quit smoking
In this step, please list all your personal reason that make you think to quit smoking. For instance, you can list the reason as for your own health, for you family, your lover or others.

4. Compare all lists

It is time to compare the advantages and disadvantages form smoking. This is a very significant step because many times that you were thinking to quit smoking, but you cannot have enough reasons to support your attention. After you have done this step, you will have not only enough but also strong reasons to support you to quit smoking.

5. Quit smoking date setting

If you come to this step, it is mean that you are now passing through a half way to quit smoking. Setting a goal is very important in every project because it help people to know what to do. If you do not set a plan, you will do it as you wish and this is inefficiency way to quit smoking. So, you have to set the exact date that you will finish quit smoking. Do not set it as I will quit it within next month because you always have neat month everyday.

6. Get rid of all cigarette and others

This step is a time to throw away all of your smokes and including all lighters you have had. Do not keep it in the secret place that you already known, it won’t help anything. When you are in quit smoking period, you are easy to think that this is my last cigarette and that will happen many times.

7. Find something for your hand and month

The success quit smoking people always use theses techniques that are busy your month and hand such as always carry some gums in their pocket or keep some snacks at office and home. When you are thinking to smoking, prepared gums and snacks will help you.

8. Tell your intention to your friend and family

You can get countless of supports for your friends and family and that is a very important thing that helps to overcome smoking.

9. Think Positive

Always think positive about your quit smoking, this will encourage you. There has been proved by research that people who quit smoking when they are in a good and positive mood have a much greater chance of achieving their goal.

Therefore, if you follow all of these steps, you can be confirmed that you will quit smoking within your set date. Quit smoking is not that hard, there are millions people that already have had quit smoking and you will be the next one. Think positive, be positive

1 comment:

  1. Great tips to quit smoking. Smoking is one of the powerful addictions, which can lead to death. Small percentage of reduction in smoking is beneficial for the health. Even with the well-known heart, blood pressure, and cancer risks can be avoid by quitting smoking as early as possible. Many smokers try to quit smoking but they are so much addicted to it they fails to quit smoking.
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